Praise is one common denominator that brings people from different backgrounds together to meet with the God of all backgrounds. When we inaugurated JustPraise Maryland in February 2019, it was a mix of the sound worshiper from across the United States and from different denominational backgrounds.

When It Is Praise-It's All Involving...

Soji Israel-Guest Minister

Minister Soji Israel from Chicago was on the spot to lead God’s people in a thrilling and an all-involving worship that kept the Hall electrified with Divine Presence in such a way that the night should not just end. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty and everybody could fell God in attendance.

The Worship Atmosphere


There is no moderation to the expression of worship when people find themselves in the right atmosphere. That was what happened when the atmosphere was ignited with serious and deep rooted worship.

Unlimited Praise. JP Abuja

Praise is a global phenomenon which creates an automatic abode for the Presence of the Almighty God. Since 2010, we have erected the interdenominational platform of Praise for God in the Capital Territory of Nigeria. We have not missed one edition since then. It is a gathering where we do not raise offering but give out from the much we have. God has been faithful!

The Best Experience Ever

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Chris Jones
Travel Blogger
Mark Your Calendar. Every Last Sunday of The Month. Abuja. Nigeria.